圖書標籤: 英國 扇貝 原版 童年 外國文學 哈利·波特 兒童文學 kindle
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry, an orphan, lives with the Dursleys, his horrible aunt and uncle, and their abominable son, Dudley. One day just before his eleventh birthday, an owl tries to deliver a mysterious letter—the first of a sequence of events that end in Harry meeting a giant man named Hagrid. Hagrid explains Harry's history to him: When he was a baby, the Dark wizard, Lord Voldemort, attacked and killed his parents in an attempt to kill Harry; but the only mark on Harry was a mysterious lightning-bolt scar on his forehead. Now he has been invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where the headmaster is the great wizard Albus Dumbledore. Harry visits Diagon Alley to get his school supplies, especially his very own wand. To get to school, he takes the Hogwarts Express from platform nine and three-quarters at King's Cross Station. On the train, he meets two fellow students who will become his closest friends...
J. K. 羅琳(J. K. Rowling, 1965- ),英國女作傢,自小喜歡寫作,當過短時間的教師和秘書。二十四歲那年,她在前往倫敦的火車旅途中萌生瞭創作“哈利·波特”係列小說的念頭。七年後,《哈利·波特與魔法石》問世,之後她陸續創作瞭《哈利·波特與密室》《哈 利·波特與阿茲卡班囚徒》《哈利·波特與火焰杯》《哈利-波特與鳳凰社》《哈利·波特與“混血王子”》和《哈利·波特與死亡聖器》,完成瞭該係列的創作,在全球颳起一股股“哈利·波特”颶風,在世界範圍內掀起規模宏大的“哈利·波特”閱讀狂潮。另外,在此期間,她還因為慈善事業而先後完成瞭《神奇動物在哪裏》和《神奇的魁地奇球》這兩部與“哈利·波特”係列相關的圖書,最新完成的作品是《詩翁彼豆故事集》。
我和它的结识显然没有这么久。大概是在小学二年级的时候吧,我爸的大学同学——一个在人民文学出版社工作的阿姨,到江南来玩,带了前四本哈利波特的套装送给我。当时我算是小学生里很喜欢看书的了,捧着这几本封面像油画,内页纸又绿绿的奇怪的大书就看了起来。 现在想想当时应...
評分 評分哈利·波特系列小说自1997年首部曲《哈利·波特与魔法石》问世以来,一直是全球儿童文学和奇幻小说界的宠儿,罗琳也凭借这七部作品成为最炙手可热的当代女作家。说起来,这套书不管是精装和平装,迄今都已出过多种套装和单行本,我也买过不少典藏本和套装。但作为全彩绘本,今...
評分本文正在施工,偶尔抽空更新,随时可能烂尾。 第一章 1.德思礼夫妇总是得意地说他们是非常规矩的人家,拜托,拜托了。 原文:Mr and Mrs Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. 根据wiki百科,thank...
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025