圖書標籤: ww2 國共內戰 二戰 中國
China Marine pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Hailed as "one of the finest memoirs to emerge from any war" by acclaimed author Paul Fussell, With the Old Breed remains the most powerful and moving account of the U.S. Marines in World War II. Now, with his long-awaited sequel, China Marine, E. B. Sledge continues his story where With the Old Breed left off and recounts the compelling conclusion of his Marine career. After Japan's surrender in 1945, Sledge and his company were sent to China to maintain order and to calm the seething cauldron of political and ideological unrest created by opposing factions. His regiment was the first Marine unit to return to the ancient city of Peiping (now Beijing) where they witnessed the last of old China and the rise of the Communist state. Sledge also recounts the difficulty of returning to his hometown of Mobile, Alabama, and resuming civilian life while haunted by shadows of close combat. Through the discipline of writing and the study of biology, Sledge shows how he came to terms with the terrifying memories that had plagued him for years. Poignant and compelling, China Marine provides a frank depiction of the real costs of war, emotional and psychological as well as physical, and reveals the enduring bond that develops between men who face the horrors of war.
E.B.斯萊奇(1923~2001),美國海軍陸戰隊前隊員。大學教授,作傢。 珍珠港事件後,進入亞拉巴馬的馬裏恩軍事學院就讀。1943年,20歲的E.B.斯萊奇違抗父命,執意加入海軍陸戰隊,因為“晚瞭就趕不上參戰瞭”。作為一名迫擊炮手,斯萊奇親曆瞭貝裏琉和衝繩戰役,雖然此前經過瞭長時間的嚴格訓練,但貝裏琉登陸仍讓他感受到瞭強烈震撼。戰爭間隙,他在隨身攜帶的一本《新約》上做瞭大量筆記,後整理成本書。戰後斯萊奇成為一名生物學傢。
評分期待Okinawa 那本
China Marine pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025