Step-By Step-Parenting/a Guide to Successful Living With a Blended Family pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The In itial Shock
Surviving the initial shock of the stepfamily can be one of the major
steps toward a stepparent’S overall survival.A stepparent’S entry Into a
new stepfamily unit may tum out to be one of life’S most terrifying
experiences.Stepparents everywhere ask the same questions.”Willit
ever get any better?””Am I the only one going through this type of
conflict?”While there are no guarantees the situation will improve
after the initial shock has subsided。people usually do leam to adjust
to their new circumstances.
Statistics tell US that any adult who reads this iS a stepparent,IS
considering the idea.or has a close friend or relative who iS a steppar—
ent.If you are not already”one of the above,”the odds are you will be
sometime during your lifetime.
Recent data from the National Center for Health Statistics show a mar-
riage rate of 9.7 per l,000 and a divorce rate of 4.8 per 1,000;i.e.,叩e
of two marriages fails.
Stepfamilies,also referred to as blended families,bi—nuclear fami—
lies.and reconstituted families,are formed whenever parents remarry.
This iS a worldwide phenomenon,but it iS most common in the United
States.Each year approximately 1.5 million people in the United States
remarry.Most bring children to the new marriage.90%of divorced
women with children remarry,and studies reveal that more divorced
men remarry than divorced women.
Almost 40%of all children born in America today will end up in a
stepfamily before they reach the age of 1 8.There are more than 3 5 mil—
lion stepparents in the United States.According to Ann Landers,when a
second marriage breaks up it usually iS caused by the children.
Step-By Step-Parenting/a Guide to Successful Living With a Blended Family pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025