Stone Soup pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Three soldiers came marching down the road towards a French village. The peasants seeing them coming, suddenly became very busy, for soldiers are often hungry. So all the food was hidden under mattresses or in barns. There followed a battle of wits, with the soldiers equal to the occasion. Stone soup? Why, of course, they could make a wonderful soup of stones...but, of course, one must add a carrot or tow...some meat...so it went.Marcia Brown has made of this old tale a very gay book, a carnival of activity, of dancing and laughter. So much goes on in the pictures that children who have once heard the story will turn to them again and again, retelling the story for themselves.A French version of the story is available under the title "Une Drole de Soupe."
瓊•穆特(Jon J Moth)以優美恬靜的畫風在美術及插畫創作領域享有盛名。他的《尼剋萊的三個問題》(The Three Questions)改編自列夫•托爾斯泰的短篇小說,獲《紐約時報書評》二星級評價,評論中稱它“在默默地改變生命”。他為凱倫•海瑟(Karen Hesse)的《雨,快下吧!》(Come on, Rain!)插圖,作品同樣獲得二星級評價,並獲得插畫師協會的金奬。他為艾瑞剋•金米爾(Eric Kimmel)的《蓋森的怪獸》(Gershon’s Monster)插圖,作品獲得三星級評價,列入當年美國圖書館協會推薦的優秀童書,並獲得美國猶太圖書館協會奬(即“雪莉•泰勒奬” )。瓊•穆特還創作過多部獲奬的漫畫書,在日本和美國齣版。《石頭湯》中講到,三個和尚來到一個飽經苦難的村莊,村民們長年在艱難歲月中煎熬,心腸變得堅硬,不願接納任何人。可是,和尚們用煮石頭湯的方法,讓村民們不自覺地付齣瞭很多,更明白瞭付齣越多迴報越多的道理。瓊•穆特運用華麗的水彩畫,引領讀者去深思故事背後的蘊涵。他把自己對禪宗和東方文化的熱愛,融入到這個古老的巧計故事當中,以此弘揚慷慨好施的力量。
Stone Soup pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025