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The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The publishing phenomenon topping bestseller lists around the world
“The great thriller that everyone has been waiting for since the Millennium Trilogy of Stieg Larsson.” —El Cultural de El Mundo (Spain)
August 30, 1975: the day fifteen-year-old Nola Kellergan is glimpsed fleeing through the woods, never to be heard from again; the day Somerset, New Hampshire, lost its innocence.
Thirty-three years later, Marcus Goldman, a successful young novelist, visits Somerset to see his mentor, Harry Quebert, one of the country’s most respected writers, and to find a cure for his writer’s block as his publisher’s deadline looms. But Marcus’s plans are violently upended when Harry is suddenly and sensationally implicated in the cold-case murder of Nola Kellergan—whom, he admits, he had an affair with. As the national media convicts Harry, Marcus launches his own investigation, following a trail of clues through his mentor’s books, the backwoods and isolated beaches of New Hampshire, and the hidden history of Somerset’s citizens and the man they hold most dear. To save Harry, his own writing career, and eventually even himself, Marcus must answer three questions, all of which are mysteriously connected: Who killed Nola Kellergan? What happened one misty morning in Somerset in the summer of 1975? And how do you write a book to save someone’s life?
A chart-topping worldwide phenomenon, with sales approaching a million copies in France alone and rights sold in more than thirty countries, The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair is a fast-paced, tightly plotted, cinematic literary thriller, and an ingenious book within a book, by a dazzling young writer.
若埃尔•迪克(Joel Dicker):1985年出生于瑞士日内瓦,凭借《真相》一书红遍全球,以当年单本销量近百万的成绩被《费加罗报》评选为“年度十大畅销小说作家”。2012年,《真相》以书稿形式入选“龚古尔奖”最终决选,并获得“法兰西学院最佳小说奖”,这使得该书在出版前就广受文学评论界和媒体关注。出版后更是一炮而红,连续五个月位居法国亚马逊总榜第一名,上市三个月狂销50万册”。此外,该书的影响力不只是在法国,2012年的法兰克福书展,《真相》创下史上最高版权预付,售出36国版权,引发书展热烈讨论。在德国、西班牙、意大利均位列畅销榜第一名,在台湾地区位列金石堂网络书店文学榜首。截至目前,该书累积销量已经超过200万册,同名电影由《达芬奇密码》《美丽心灵》导演朗•霍华德执导,精彩可期。
笔者看书有个不太好的习惯,只要在家里,喜欢歪在床头或沙发上,一手托书一手翻书。本书也是在这种状态下看完的,连书后评语也全部啃完之后,才发现托书的右手已经酸到不行。 因此在笔者看来,此书绝对是值得推荐给所有人的。然而亚马逊上的评论如此两极分化,看了不免吃惊。...
评分《真相》的读后感 如果这本书在四分之三处结束的话,或许我会给以接近完美的评价。但遗憾的是,当我读完全书的最后一页时,我却只能给它打四颗星。毫无疑问,这是一本好书,一本优秀的小说,但是这样的结尾却让我有种不自然的感觉。画蛇添足虽然不是很恰当的比喻,但却可以表达...
评分《真相》的读后感 如果这本书在四分之三处结束的话,或许我会给以接近完美的评价。但遗憾的是,当我读完全书的最后一页时,我却只能给它打四颗星。毫无疑问,这是一本好书,一本优秀的小说,但是这样的结尾却让我有种不自然的感觉。画蛇添足虽然不是很恰当的比喻,但却可以表达...
评分“一本好书,马库斯,并非仅仅是由它最后的那几句话所决定的,而应该是此前所有的内容共同作用所产生的结果。” 6 在书中安排一个与自己相似度颇高的作家角色,迫使他在创作与现实中迷失,从而达成真实作者、书中作者和书中之书的互动,每个有野心的作家在漫长的创作生涯中或...
The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025