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~Lrnentally Damaging~ Advantages 81Excess of Percentageeciation for Mineralitiest Value for ~ 81)duced on PublicAcknowledgmentsWe wish to thank numerous col-leagues and friends who gavegenerously of their time, expertise, and encouragement at every step of this proj- ect. In particular we want to acknowledge the careful research assistance of Robert Gramlich and Nazrnul Chaudhury. From within WRI wethank Alan Brewster, Walter Reid, CarrieMeyer, James MacKenzie, and Rafe Pomerance,who provided generous and helpful comments.We also express our gratitude to colleaguesoutside of WRI including: Harry Kelejian,Doug Lee, Ken Small, and Phil Trostel. Exter-nal reviews were provided by William Baumol,Dawn Erlandson, Richard Morgenstern, andRobert Shackleton. We appreciate their sugges-tions. Of course, we retain sole responsibilityfor the contents of this report. Our special thanks to Kathleen Courrier forher skillful editing of the report, to HyacinthBillings for her management of the productionprocess, to Allyn Massey for preparing thefigures, to Sue Terry for her help in obtainingnumerous reports and references, to our PolicyAffairs Program for the oversight and manage-ment of the distribution process, and to CindyBarger, Rosemary McCloskey, and EvaVasiliades for their assistance and coordinationat every stage. a.a.R.C.D. R.]. I.GV
unknown pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025