圖書標籤: 印度 心理學 Modern-SouthAsia
A Concise History of India pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
In a challenging new history of modern India, the authors explore the imaginative and institutional structures that have changed and sustained the country. While previous histories have been composed as handmaids of British nationalism or as products of emerging nationalist identities, this book challenges the notion that a continuous meaning can be applied to social categories such as "caste," "Hindu," "Muslim," or even "India,". An initial chapter focuses on the period of Muslim dynasties that preceded colonial conquest, while the final chapter analyzes the dramatic recent events of the 1990s, including economic change, religious nationalism and India's emergence as a nuclear power. Illustrations and quotations from historical sources are integral to the narrative. Thomas R. Metcalf is Professor of History, University of California, Berkeley. His previous books inlcude An Imperial Vision (California, 1989) and Ideologies of the Raj (Cambridge, 1997). Barbara Metcalf is Professor of History at the University of California, Davis. She is the editor of Making Muslim Space in North America (University of California Press, 1996).
芭芭拉•D.梅特卡夫(Barbara D. Metcalf),加州大學戴維斯分校曆史係榮譽退休教授,研究南亞史(特彆是殖民時期)、印度和巴基斯坦的穆斯林史。曾任亞洲研究協會主席、美國曆史學會主席。著有《英屬印度的伊斯蘭復興(1860-1900)》(Islamic Revival in British India: Deoband , 1860 -1900)、《在北美和歐洲製造穆斯林空間》(Making Muslim Space in North America and Europe)等。
托馬斯•R.梅特卡夫(Thomas R. Metcalf),加州大學伯剋利分校曆史係榮譽退休教授,研究南亞史特彆是殖民時期的印度史、大英帝國史。著有《帝國的連接:印度洋競技場中的印度(1860-1920)》(Imperial Connections: India in the Indian Ocean Arena, 1860-1920 )、《打造王冠之珠:有關帝國全盛時期的英屬印度隨筆》(Forging the Raj: Essays on British India in the Heyday of Empire )、《英屬印度的意識形態》(Ideologies of the Raj)等。
书在西方的学术地位很高,但读起来有股子怪味。 读完第一章和第二章,有点不能忍,掩饰和美化的特征已经很明显。第一章说莫卧儿帝国衰落的原因不是两教斗争,不是奥朗则布的穷兵黩武和停止宗教宽容与融合,在质疑之后,没有给出原因是什么。过几页引用当时印度的高官总结的帝国...
評分书在西方的学术地位很高,但读起来有股子怪味。 读完第一章和第二章,有点不能忍,掩饰和美化的特征已经很明显。第一章说莫卧儿帝国衰落的原因不是两教斗争,不是奥朗则布的穷兵黩武和停止宗教宽容与融合,在质疑之后,没有给出原因是什么。过几页引用当时印度的高官总结的帝国...
評分书在西方的学术地位很高,但读起来有股子怪味。 读完第一章和第二章,有点不能忍,掩饰和美化的特征已经很明显。第一章说莫卧儿帝国衰落的原因不是两教斗争,不是奥朗则布的穷兵黩武和停止宗教宽容与融合,在质疑之后,没有给出原因是什么。过几页引用当时印度的高官总结的帝国...
評分刚买了这本书,英文书名是A Concise History of Modern India, 可译为《现代印度简史》,不知道译者为啥要很随意地译为《剑桥现代印度史》,扯虎皮?译后记中说是北京外国语大学的“老师”翻译的,还说经过了北京大学历史系某资深教授的“审阅”,本以为不会有什么大问题。但看...
評分“矛盾”,时常是印度带给我们的感觉。 经济增长迅猛但至少有90%的劳动力是在非正规部门,大多数人没有退休金、病假、带薪假或任何保险。两级分化之严重令人诧异:现代与古代、奢华与贫穷、纵欲与禁欲、草率与效率、温和与粗暴;繁多的种姓制度与语言、神祗与仪式、风俗与理念...
A Concise History of India pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025