图书标签: 旅行 投资 JimRogers 游记 经济 投資 商业 财富
Adventure Capitalist pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
A gripping tale of adventure, danger and humor, peppered with investment tips from a Wall Street legend The best–selling author of Investment Biker takes a fascinating journey through the world′s economic situation in a convertible yellow Mercedes. This is the motivating story of entrepreneur Jim Rogers, dubbed "the Indiana Jones of finance" by Time magazine, who made his fortune playing the stock market and then embarked on his lifelong dream adventure. Together with his fiancee, Paige Parker, he set out on a three–year drive around the world that would ultimately set the Guinness world record for the longest continuous car journey. Their trip winds its way through 116 countries – through blizzards, deserts, epidemics and war zones – to discover failing economies and the new boom countries not from dry and potentially flawed statistics, but by experiencing life itself. This is a gripping tale of travel and adventure; along the way they encounter danger, love and farce. It is also a highly readable account of world economies: you won′t find a more enjoyable way to be introduced to the investment potential of Bolivia, or the cultural changes afoot in North Korea. Finally it is also an inward journey in which Rogers moves from the restless traveler to husband and father, hoping one day to introduce his daughter to his own passion for travel. JIM ROGERS entered the investment business in 1968 with $600 dollars in his pocket. By 1980, at 37 years of age, he had left Wall Street with enough money to satisfy a lifelong appetite for adventure.
· 《风险投资家环球游记》。
this is the real equity research.
评分The best capitalists are in Communist China.
评分要是我也有那么多钱并且有时间,打着投资的名字,全球到处溜达, 就好了。
评分要是我也有那么多钱并且有时间,打着投资的名字,全球到处溜达, 就好了。
罗杰斯所游历的国家不可谓不多,所作的两本游记不可谓不长,但主旨其实只有两条。 一、政府若能奉行资本主义制度并且执行量入为出的财政政策,则其国家必能腾飞,反之则将衰亡。最具代表性的正面例子为中国,由于实行了资本主义制度,经济蒸蒸日上;最具代表性的反面例子则为美...
评分相隔十年的两次环球旅行,第一次是开摩托车,第二次是汽车;两次都有女性一起,其后成为其妻子;第一次是自已驾摩托车,第二次是乘客。 罗杰斯不仅仅是旅行,还深入观察当地的投资环境,接触社会各阶层的人,特别是下层的人。两本书都看好中国,对其他国家的评价也是中肯的。 ...
评分本书记录了罗杰斯第二次环球旅行的全过程,书中作者用他丰富的知识、独特的观察角度详细地向大家展示了他此次旅行。 “行万里路,破万卷书”,罗杰斯在华尔街是一个成功的商人,他之所以成功,靠的就是它独特的审视世界的眼光,环球旅行既是冒险,也是不断求知的延续。 早...
评分一个人的视野的大小,基本上等于他去过的地方的多少。 投资家罗杰斯用3年时间,驾车穿越116个国家的国境线(几乎相当于20个长征的长度),这让他有了更开阔的视野。所以,他无需进行投资冒险,他可以看到常人看不到的堆放在墙角的钱,他所要做的,就是走过去,把钱拾起来而已...
评分可从这个角度把人分为四类: 1聪明的行动派。这是最稀有的一种人,他们即有智慧,也有行动力。本书作者就属此类。但愿世界掌握在这类人手中。 2愚蠢的行动派:他们有行动的能力,但缺乏智慧。比如书中例举的一些糟糕的政治家。他们往往是灾难的制造者。 3聪明的书呆子:他们...
Adventure Capitalist pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025