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A Random Walk Down Wall Street pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024
The million-copy bestseller, revised and updated with new investment strategies for retirement and the most current research into behavioral finance.
Updated with a new chapter that draws on behavioral finance, the field that studies the psychology of investment decisions, here is the best-selling, authoritative, and gimmick-free guide to investing. Burton Malkiel evaluates the full range of investment opportunities, from stocks, bonds, and money markets to real estate investment trusts and insurance, home ownership, and tangible assets such as gold and collectibles. This edition includes new strategies for rearranging your portfolio for retirement, along with the book's classic life-cycle guide to investing, which matches the needs of investors in any age bracket. A Random Walk Down Wall Street long ago established itself as a must-read, the first book to purchase before starting a portfolio. So whether you want to brief yourself on the ways of the market before talking to a broker or follow Malkiel's easy steps to managing your own portfolio, this book remains the best investing guide money can buy.
The wrong book
评分Conservatives trade index funds or etf with dollar cost averaging, trembling in the dark hoping no market crash pending recession while autists won’t even blink playing with FDs, yoloing life savings making lucrative income, or betting into their own death. Walk a fine line and one would profit, away from both extremes.
评分Index fund investing...
评分Too clssical, too simple, somehow to be wrong
评分The days we live in a bubble are never ending.=]
说实在的,这本书的译名我是颇不喜欢。一开始还以为是介绍华尔街的书,看看了发现不是那么回事儿。作者的着力点在于“随机漫步”上,马尔基尔把基本面分析和技术分析各打50大板,既然股价都是随机的,你们预测有个毛用!因此,A Random Walk Down Wall Street应该翻译为...
评分The chartist and the fundamentalist are still sneering each other and yelling each other. EMT, MPT, CAPM, APT, Behavioral Finance, (of course, I am not a good reader for not following the advise from Burton to avoid using so many abbreviations. BUT, without...
评分“被动,被动,再被动”我说的不是指1966年林彪对陶铸的这句忠告,而是本书作者Burton G. Malkiel对广大劳动人民投资理财的忠告。不要因为所谓的明星股评家评点某股票的有利趋势,股票图形罕见买点,小道消息等总是倒腾自己股票账户里数额不大的金额。那样只能便宜了经...
评分内容:★★★★☆ 翻译:★★★★☆ 排印:★★★☆☆ 装帧:★★★☆☆ 技术分析和基本面分析相互揭短已经很常见了,在股票市场中,除非你是一位赌徒,一般来说,你要倾向于两者之一。将两者同时有理有据地进行了否定,可能只有本书的作者了。因此,很多业内人士批评作者是一...
评分作者提出的生命周期投资法很靠谱。复利、长期坚持,加上符合自身风险承受能力的投资组合,很有说服力。 1. 从本书第一版到第九版的35年间,超过三分之二的专业投资组合经理都被无人管理的标准普尔500指数打败了。蒙眼的猴子朝华尔街日报掷飞镖所选的投资组合也能获得专家管理...
A Random Walk Down Wall Street pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024