图书标签: 王尔德 戏剧 外国文学 经典 Drama
Lady Windermere's Fan pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Juliet Stevenson(Mrs Erlynne)has worked extensively for the RSC,the Royal National Theatre,and other major theatre companies.She won an Oliver Award for her role in Death and Maiden at the Royal Court,and a number of other Awards for her work in the film Truly,Madly,Deeply.Samuel West(Lord Windermere)has been widely praised for his performance as Leonard Bast in the Merchant Ivory film,Howard*s End.His other film credits incluede Carrington and Reunion,and he has been on UK TV in Persuasion and Heavy Weather.Theatrical roles have included Valentine in Arcadia,Algernon in The Importance of Being Earnest.
第三幕最惊艳。温夫人在Darlington家中的个人独白,心理的彷徨和挣扎相当细腻。之后母女俩的对话,温夫人最终带着哭腔说take me home,多像无助的小女孩,向妈妈求助,而她根本不知Erlynne正是她母亲,尤显动人。 总感觉王尔德更多是藏身在Darlington的后面,说了不少epigram...
评分 评分《Lady Windermere's fan》篇幅不长,但引人入胜。老王真是天生的戏剧家,全篇妙语连珠,起承转合恰到好处。剧中对婚姻的讽刺以及对于好女人坏女人的划分给出了一个全新的视角。太多经典之处令人拍案叫绝,当时在图书馆读的时候差点大笑出声来。 “Wicked women bother one.Go...
评分王尔德《温夫人的扇子》札记 辽宁教育出版社1997年初版 2005年购于晓风书屋 未经考验的淑女,也许就是潜在的荡妇。众口相传的荡妇,却未必是真正的荡妇。换句话说:天真的女人不一定好,世故的女人也不一定坏。同时,未经世故的女人习于顺境,反而苛以待人;而饱经世故的...
Lady Windermere's Fan pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025