圖書標籤: 哲學 諾齊剋 感興趣 philosophy Philosophy
Socratic Puzzles pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
One of the foremost philosophers of our time, Robert Nozick continues the Socratic tradition of investigation. This volume, which illustrates the originality, force, and scope of his work, also displays Nozick's trademark blending of extraordinary analytical rigor with intellectual playfulness. As such, "Socratic Puzzles" testifies to the great pleasure that both doing and reading philosophy can be. Comprising essays and philosophical fictions, classics and new work, the book ranges from Socrates to W. V. Quine, from the implications of an Israeli kibbutz to the flawed arguments of Ayn Rand. Nozick considers the figure of Socrates himself as well as the Socratic method (why is it a "method" of getting at the truth?). Many of these essays bring classic methods to bear on new questions about choice. How should you choose in a disconcerting situation ("Newcomb's Problem") when your decisions are completely predictable? Why do threats and not offers typically coerce our choices? How do we make moral judgments when we realize that our moral principles have exceptions? Other essays present new approaches to familiar intellectual puzzles, from the stress on simplicity in scientific hypotheses to the tendency of intellectuals to oppose capitalism. As up to date as the latest reflections on animal rights; as perennial as the essentials of aesthetic merit (doggerel by Isaac Newton goes to prove that changing our view of the world won't suffice); as whimsical as a look at how some philosophical problems might appear from God's point of view: these essays attest to the timeliness and timelessness of Nozick's thinking. With a personal introduction, in which Nozick discusses the origins, tools, and themes of his work, "Socratic Puzzles" demonstrates how philosophy can constitute a way of life.
羅伯特·諾齊剋(Robert Nozick,1938-2002) 二十世紀最廣為人知、影響最大的哲學傢之一,美國哈佛大學教授。因1974年齣版第一本著作《無政府,國傢和烏托邦》(Anarchy, state, and utopia)一舉成名。該書獲得美國國傢圖書奬,並被評為二戰後最有影響力的一百本書之一。
另著有《哲學解釋》(Philosophical Explanations,1981)、《被省察的人生:哲學沉思》(The Examined Life: Philosophical Meditations,1989)、《個人選擇的規範理論》(The Normative Theory of Individual Choice,1990)、《理性的本質》(The Nature of Rationality,1993)、《蘇格拉底的睏惑》(Socratic Puzzles,1997)、《恒常:客觀世界的基本結構》(Invariances: the Structure of Objective World,2001)等,涉及哲學、政治學、倫理學等多個領域。
在不拿第一个箱子的情况下,为什么精灵一定要第二个箱子里放百万美元? 前提是:精灵是有好的,一定不会让人空手而归。 如果换一个测试:两个箱子,只有其中一个放了钱,人只能选择其中一个。精灵可以预测人的选择,但他的目标是不让人拿到钱。 这个实验的基础是一个假设。 ...
評分 評分罗伯特•诺齐克的书很不通俗,这本《苏格拉底的困惑》(Socratic Puzzles,1997)已经是风格最为轻松的一本了,饶是如此,我还是看得头大、大如麦斗。如果仅仅是“充分条件”、“必要条件”、“三段论”什么的,还好对付,可是满纸印的是矩阵、∑、概率、周期曲线,叫我怎能...
評分ZT 转帖: 作为苏格拉底的精神传人,诺齐克无疑是我们这个时代最杰出的哲学家之一,苏格拉底的精神传人。他总是用他的原创性、力量和开阔的学术视野,以及令人叹为观止的分析能力和生动活泼的学术风格,向我们展示着:研究哲学和阅读哲学可以是如此快乐的一件事。 这本文集...
Socratic Puzzles pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025