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Many Moons pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Princess Lenore is ill from eating too many raspberry tarts. She believes that possessing the moon is the only thing that will cure her. Despite a command from the King, neither the Lord High Chamberlain nor the Royal Wizard nor the Royal Mathematician can get the moon for her. Only when the clever Court Jester consults the Princess herself is the problem solved--with characteristic Thurber wit.
詹姆斯·瑟伯(James Thurber),美国著名作家、漫画家,被认为是继马克·吐温之后美国最伟大的幽默大师。曾从事报刊编辑等工作,晚年执教于耶鲁大学。1926年开始为《纽约客》杂志撰稿,与E. B. 怀特一起确立了《纽约客》诙谐、辛辣的文风。擅长各种重复句型、双关语、隐喻、韵文,用笔幽默,充满讽喻性的机智,深受读者欢迎。代表作有《沃尔特·米提的私密生活》《当代寓言集》《我的一生与艰难岁月》《同罗斯在一起的日子》等。一生只创作了5本童书,但每一本都被视为经典之作,其中,《公主的月亮》是第一本也是最好的一本,1944年获凯迪克金奖。
马克·西蒙特(Marc Simont),美国著名插画家,生于法国,在巴黎和纽约学习绘画。曾从事广告与艺术设计工作。为100多本童书配过图,其中,《快乐的一天》获1950年凯迪克银奖,《树真好》获1957年凯迪克银奖。独立创作的《流浪狗》获2002年凯迪克金奖。
"how can the moon be shining in the sky when it is hanging on a golden chain around your neck?" "When I lose a tooth, a new one grows in its place. doesn't it?" "Of course,And when the unicorn loses his horn in the forest, a new one grows in the middle of his forehead.”
评分"how can the moon be shining in the sky when it is hanging on a golden chain around your neck?" "When I lose a tooth, a new one grows in its place. doesn't it?" "Of course,And when the unicorn loses his horn in the forest, a new one grows in the middle of his forehead.”
评分"how can the moon be shining in the sky when it is hanging on a golden chain around your neck?" "When I lose a tooth, a new one grows in its place. doesn't it?" "Of course,And when the unicorn loses his horn in the forest, a new one grows in the middle of his forehead.”
评分想要天上的月亮,很奢侈的愿望吗? 为何不听听小女孩她自己怎么想的? 说做不到,就那么可怕吗? 别再搬出陈谷子烂芝麻的事了,拜托。 遮掩一个错误,需要牺牲一个国家为代价吗? 怎料到它原来有更美的解释。 我们太不谦卑了 ...
评分《公主的月亮》初版于1943年,由路易斯·斯洛博根(Louis Slobodkin)插画,获1944年凯迪克金奖。绘本用极其简练的语言为我们讲述了一个耐人寻味的故事: 国王最疼爱的小公主生病了,国王允诺愿意给公主任何东西,只要她能好起来。小公主说如果得到月亮她就会好起来。焦急的国...
Many Moons pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025