图书标签: 論文 intellectual ThomasSowell 跳讀 社会学 哲学
Intellectuals and Society pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
This much revised and reorganized edition of Intellectuals and Society is more than half again larger than the first edition. Four new chapters have been added on intellectuals and race, including a chapter on race and intelligence.
These new chapters show the radically different views of race prevailing among the intelligentsia at the beginning of the twentieth century and at the end-- and yet how each of these opposite views of race had the same dogmatic quality and the same refusal to countenance differing opinions among their contemporaries, much less engage dissenting opinions in serious debate. Moreover, each of these very different views of race produced flourishes of rhetoric and travesties of logic, leading to dire social consequences, though of very different sorts in the two eras.
Other additions to this edition include a critique of John Rawls' conception or justice and a re-examination of the so-called "trickle-down theory" behind "tax cuts for the rich." There are other revisions, from the preface to the final chapter, the latter being extensively rewritten to bring together and highlight the themes of the other chapters, and to make unmistakably clear what Intellectuals and Society is, and is not, seeking to do.
Thomas Sowell has taught economics at Cornell, UCLA, Amherst, and other academic institutions, and his Basic Economics has been translated into six languages. He is currently a scholar in residence at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He has published in both academic journals and in such popular media as the Wall Street Journal, Forbes magazine, and Fortune, and he writes a syndicated column that appears in newspapers across the country.
断断续续看完Thomas Sowell的大作《知识分子与社会》,心里愈发茫然。 从小到大一直对作为社会良心的知识分子敬佩有加,从心里喜欢严复,陈独秀,胡适,瞿秋白等近代中囯历史人物,可也一直不理解为什么他们改良中国的理论难以践行。 在Thomas看来,知识分子最鲜明的特质在于圣...
评分张亚月/文 2013年9月份,我们夫妇合译的《知识分子与社会》出版。在去年底至今年初翻译托马斯·索维尔这本力作的过程中,书中关于理念、知识分子与社会的互相影响、互构关系的精彩分析,又强烈地勾动了我近几年来对于社会建构论所培养出的浓厚兴趣。由理念到现实的影响、由不...
评分刘瑜:把世界搞得一团糟的糊涂蛋 “知识分子”是什么?在中国,很多对此问题有过思考的人恐怕都会表达一个这样的观点:知识分子不仅仅是掌握了特定领域知识的专家,而且应该有强烈的社会责任感。担当、良知、使命感、“为老百姓说话”此类词汇作为对知识分子的伦理要求,经常出...
Intellectuals and Society pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025