实用中医方剂 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Chinese Herbal Formulas, part of the Practical Chinese Medicine and
Pharmacology series, joins with two other volumes, Medicinal Herbs
and Clinical Experiences, in providing practical applications of Chinese
medicine. This volume combines traditional Chinese medicine theory
with extensive infonnation about the use of herbs in formula. A study
of the formulas presented here will yield a better understanding of the
theories and how to apply them in terms of mapping out treatment
strategies and identifying herbal prescriptions for a particular disease.
Formulas are grouped by malady. Within each group, the various
formulas are introduced. The following organization is adhered to
throughout the book in order to facilitate reference.
1. Each formula begins with a listing of its Constituents, which
includes the component herbs, their common names and Chinese
pinyin names, as well as the quantities of each herb required.
2. Method Used section describes briefly how the formula is
3. The Functions the herbal formula performs are then listed
4. The Indications section defines the conditions in terms of the
language of traditional Chinese medicine for which the herbal formula
is applicable.
5. The symptoms of the condition are listed next in the Manifes-
tations section.
6. The Explanations section explains how the condition affects the
patient's qi, channels and collaterals, blood, body fluids, etc.
7. The Herbs and Actions section groups the herbs according to
the role they play in creating the overall effect of the formula.
8. The Applications section uses Western medical terminology to
identify specific maladies against which the formula has proven
9. Adjustments to the formula occasioned by special symptoms are
presented in the Modifications section.
Through their mutual restraint or mutual reinforcement, herbs can
fully display their actions while limiting their toxins. This has been
proven by modern scientific research in China. With the aim of
meeting the needs of doctors practicing tradtional Chinese medicine
throughout the world, we have included in this book over one
hundred representative and well-known formulas which are com-
monly used today. We have designed the book to be a practical, useful
guldc in your clinical practice. We hope it will be an effective tool in
your application of traditional Chinese medicine.
Dr. Geng Junying brings ovcr twenty-five years of
expcrience to this, his most reccnt work on tradition-
al Chincse medicine. Dr. Geng is an Associate Pro-
fessor and the Dcputy Dircctor of the Acupuncture
Departmcnt at the Beijing Collcgc of Traditional
Chinese Mcdicine. He has spent virtually his cntire
career at this prestigious collegc, whcre he has bccn
teaching, researching, and conducting clinical prac-
tice since his graduation in 1964. His publications in
Chiacse include Studits of tbe Five Tasfes of Herbs,
Conlraindications and Interdipcndence in Herbal For-
Mulas, and Cbinese Moxibustion Thtrapy. In English,
he has co-authored four volumcs in this five-volume
scries-Basic Tbtories and Principles, Acupuncture and
Moxibustion, Medicinal Herbs and Herlbal Formulas.
实用中医方剂 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025