Idealism the Philosophy of the Matrix and the True Nature of Matter
Idealism and the Sociology of Knowledge (Edinburgh Working Papers in Sociology)
Idealism Past & Present
Idealism and revolution
Idealism and revolution
Idealism and Praxis
Idealism and Rights
Idealism as Modernism
Idéalisme moral et réalisme politique
Idealismus und Realismus in der Kunst der Neuzeit ; Die Entwicklung der Modernen Landschaftsmalerei
Idealismo Trascendental de Kant
German Idealism
Continental Idealism
German Idealism as Constructivism
German Idealism and the Problem of Knowledge
German Idealism Today
Personal Idealism - Philsophical Essays By Eight Members Of The University Of Oxford
British Idealism
Continental Idealism
Pragmatic Idealism.Critical Essays on Nicholas Rescher's System of Pragmatic Idealism (Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences & the Humanities 64)